Cisco라우터나 스위치의 IOS에 관해서 알아보겠습니다.
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화일이름 버젼
IOS 화일이름을 보면 xxxx-yyyy-ww 보통 이런 형식을 가지고 있는데요.
맨처음 xxxx = Platform
다음 yyyy = Feature
마지막 ww = 어디로 부터 IOS가 실행되는가, 또는 압축 유무
as5200 5200
cpa25 CiscoPro 2500
c1005 1005
c2500 25xx, 3xxx, 5100, AP (11.2 and later only)
c2600 2600 Quake platform
c2800 Catalyst 2820
c2900 2910, 2950
c3620 3620
c3640 3640
c4000 4000 (11.2 and later only)
c4500 4500, 4700
c5rsm Catalyst 5000 RSP platform
c5atm Catalyst 4000 ATM platform
c7000 7000, 7010 (11.2 and later only)
c7200 7200
igs IGS, 25xx, 3xxx, 5100, AP
gs7 gateway server (7000, 7010)
mc3810 Ardent Multiservice Cisco 3810 platform
rsp 75xx
xx 4000
a - APPN
a2 - ATM
b - Appletalk
boot - used for boot images
c - Comm-server/Remote Access Server(RAS) subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging, IPX,
AT, Decnet, FR, HDLC, PPP, X.25, ARAP, tn3270, PT, XRemote, LAT)
c - Comm-server Lite(CiscoPro)
c2 - Comm-server/Remote Access Server(RAS) subset
d - Desktop subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging, WAN, Remote Node, Terminal Service,
d2 - reduced Desktop subset (SNMP, IP, IPX, AT, ARAP)
eboot - ethernet boot image for mc3810 platform
f - FRAD subset (SNMP, FR, PPP, SDLLC, STUN)
f2 - modified FRAD subset (EIGRP, Pcbus, Lan Mgr, removed, OSPF added)
g - ISDN subset (SNMP, IP, Bridging, ISDN, PPP, IPX, AT)
g2 - gatekeeper proxy, voice and video
i - IP subset(SNMP, IP, Bridging, WAN, Remote Node, Terminal Service)
i2 - subset similar to IP subset for system controller image(3600)
i3 - reduced IP subset with BGP/MIB, EGP/MIB, NHRP, DIRRESP removed
j - enterprise subset (formerly bpx, includes protocol translation)
**10.3까지는 사용되지 않음
k - kitchen sink (enterprise for high-end) **10.3이후에는 사용되지 않음
l - IPeXchange IPX, static routing, gateway
m - RMON (11.1 only)
n - IPX
o - FIrewall (Formerly IPeXchange Net Management)
p2 - Service Provider w/CIP2 ucode
p3 - AS5200 service provider
p4 - 5800(Nitro) service provider
q - Async
q2 - IPeXchange Async
r - IBM base option (SRB, SDLLC, STUN, DLSW, QLLC) - i, in, d 와 같이 사용
r2 - IBM variant for 1600 images
r3 - IBM variant for Ardent images (3810)
r4 - reduced IBM subset with BSC/MIB, BSTUN/MIB, ASPP/MIB, RSRB/MIB removed
s - source route switch (SNMP, IP, Bridging, SRB) (10.2 and following)
s - (11.2 only) addition to the basic subset (Plus version)
c1600 - (OSPF, IPmulticast, NHRP, NTP, NAT, RSVP, FRSVC)
c2500 - (NAT, RMON, IBM, MMP, VPDN/L2F)
c2600 - (NAT, IBM, MMP, VPDN/L2F, VoIP and ATM)
c3620, 3640 - (NAT, IBM, MMP, VPDN/L2F) in 11.3T added VoIP
c4500 - (NAT, ISL, LANE, IBM, MMP, VPDN/L2F)
c5200 - (PT, v.120, managed modems, RMON, MMP, VPDN/L2F)
c5300 - (MMP, VPDN, NAT, managed modems, RMON, IBM)
c5rsm - (NAT, LANE and VLANS)
c7000 - (ISL, LANE, IBM, MMP, VPDN/L2F)
c7200 - (NAT, ISL, IBM, MMP, VPDN/L2F)
t - (11.2)AIP w/ modified Ucode to connect to Teralink 1000 Data
u - IP with VLAN RIP (Network Layer 3 Switching Software, rsrb, srt, srb, sr/tlb)
v - VIP and dual RSP(HSA) support
w - Reserved for WBU
w2 - Reserved for CiscoAdvantage ED train
w3 - Reserved for Distributed Director
x - X.25 in 11.1 and earlier release
y - reduced IP (SNMP, IP RIP/IGRP/EIGRP, Bridging, ISDN< PPP) (C1003/4)
- reduced IP (SNMP, IP RIP/IGRP/EIGRP, Bridging, WAN - X.25) (C1005)
(11.2 - includes X.25) (C1005)
y - IP variant (no Kerberos, Radius, NTP, OSPF, PIM, SMRP, NHRP...) (C1600)
y2 - IP variant (SNMP, IP RIP/IGRP/EIGRP, WAN - X.25, OSPF, PIM) (C1005)
y2 - IP Plus variant (no Kerberos, Radius, NTP...) (C1600)
y3 - IP/X.31
Y4 - reduced IP variant (Cable, Mibs, DHCP, EZHTTP)
z - managed modems
40 - 40 bit encrytion
56 - 50 bit encryption
56i - 56 bit encryption with IPSEC
어디로 부터 IOS가 실행되는가, 또는 압축 유무
f - Flash
m - RAM
r - ROM
l - relocatable
z - zip compressed
x - mzip compressed
IntroductionCisco IOS Software is the premier network infrastructure software and delivers seamless integration of technology innovation, business-critical services and hardware support. Currently operating on millions of active systems, from small home office routers to the core systems of the largest service provider networks in the world, Cisco IOS Software is the most widely deployed network operating software in the world. Optimized for today's IP-based networks and offering fast convergence, Cisco IOS Software provides extraordinary resiliency and advanced networking services by separating control, forwarding, and management planes to yield innovative services and high performance. Extremely flexible, adaptable, and scalable, Cisco IOS Software can run on both high-end distributed hardware and low-end single processor systems. It employs hardware switching using advanced network processors, application-specific integrated circuits, and fast-access memory (content addressable memory) where the stored data item is located by the contents of the memory itself. Cisco IOS Software minimizes operational expenses, maximizes return on investment, and improves business productivity:
Cisco IOS Software FamilyCisco IOS Software continues to evolve over time to meet the rapidly changing requirements of the most demanding Enterprise and Service Provider networks. As a family of releases, the feature richness and broad hardware support delivered in Cisco IOS Software is unmatched in the industry. Table 1 summarizes the latest releases that make up the Cisco IOS Software Family: Table 1—Cisco IOS Software Family Types and Releases
Cisco IOS Software Family HardwareTable 2 correlates Cisco hardware to the recommended Cisco IOS Software Family release. Table 2—Cisco IOS Software Family Hardware
Cisco IOS Software Family NumberingIn order to effectively manage Cisco IOS Software releases within your network, it is important to understand IOS T, IOS S, and IOS XR numbering. IOS T NumberingFigure 1 illustrates the relationships between Cisco IOS Software Maintenance Release 12.4 and Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4T and shows the evolution to Cisco IOS Software Maintenance Release 12.5 and Cisco IOS Software Release 12.5T. Figure 1—IOS T Relationships
Cisco IOS Software Maintenance Release 12.4 receives software fixes on a regular basis but does not receive new software features or hardware. It is important to note that the fixes applied to Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4 are synchronized with subsequent versions of Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4T. Derived from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4, Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4T receives regular software fixes and provides new features and hardware. This relationship is carried forward with Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.5 and 12.5T. The software fixes and new software features and hardware support in Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.4 and 12.4T are consolidated in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.5. Additional new software features and hardware are provided in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.5T. The key elements of IOS T numbering are the maintenance release number, individual release number, and the numbered version identifier. (See Figure 2.) Figure 2—IOS T Numbering
Due to separate schedules, Cisco IOS Software Maintenance Release 12.4 and Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4T do not share individual release numbers. If Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4 and Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4T did share an individual release number, the releases would include the same software fixes. IOS S NumberingThe releases within the IOS S family share a common code base from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2S. On top of the common code base, additional software fixes and new software features are included in each version of Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.2SB, 12.2SX, 12.2SE, 12.2SG, and 12.2SR. After their inclusion, where applicable, the additional software fixes and new software features are propagated to other IOS S family members. By sharing the common code base and through the independent delivery of fixes, features, and hardware, Cisco optimizes the IOS S family members to meet the rapidly changing requirements of critical Enterprise and Service Provider market segments. The key elements of IOS S numbering are the release number, individual release number, and the numbered version identifier. (See Figure 3.) Figure 3—IOS S Numbering
IOS XR NumberingCisco IOS XR software comprises modular packages. Each package contains the components to perform a specific set of router functions, such as routing, security, or line card support. The key elements of IOS XR numbering are the major release identifier, minor release identifier, and maintenance revision identifier. (See Figure 4.) Figure 4—IOS XR Numbering
The major release identifier is the major release number for a package. A major release occurs when there is a significant architectural change to the product (for example, an important new capability is introduced). All packages that operate on the router must be at the same major release level. The minor release identifier is the minor release number for a given package. A minor release contains one or more new features or software fixes. The minor release version does not have to be identical for all software packages that operate on the router. But the operating packages must be certified by Cisco as compatible with each other. The maintenance revision identifier is the maintenance release number for a given package. A maintenance release contains a collection of software fixes. The maintenance release version does not have to be identical for all software packages that operate on the router. But the major and minor versions of the maintenance release must match those of the package that is updated. Cisco IOS Software Release MigrationCisco recommends that customers take inventory of the Cisco IOS Software releases deployed in their networks on a regular basis. This helps to ensure that networks run the most current, supported releases and to keep the total number of deployed releases to a minimum. In general, the migration path for a Cisco IOS Software release is to the latest version of that release. The latest version incorporates the current software fixes, hardware support, and new software features. For example, upgrade from a maintenance release to a new version of that maintenance release, and upgrade from a T release or an SG release to a new version of the T or SG release, respectively. In order to support new hardware or functionality, customers might need to upgrade from a maintenance release to a T release, or to a completely different family. For example, to support the latest features of the Cisco 10000, upgrade from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0S or 12.3XI to Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3SB, or to support the latest features of the Catalyst 6500, upgrade from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.1E to 12.2SX. The IOS T Migration Examples section presents high-level examples of migration for some of the currently shipping IOS T, IOS S, and IOS XR releases. Note: Cisco IOS Software release migration is an ongoing process that takes detailed planning. Customers should work closely with their account managers when they take inventory of their deployed Cisco IOS Software releases and plan migration to the current releases. IOS T Migration ExamplesTable 3 and Table 4 describe example migration paths from Cisco IOS T releases. Table 3—Migration Paths from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(7)
Table 4—Migration Paths from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(9)T
IOS S Migration ExamplesTable 5—Migration Paths from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(28)SB
Table 6—Migration Paths from Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(18)SXF
IOS XR Migration ExamplesTable 7—Migration Paths from Cisco IOS XR Releases
Cisco IOS Software Life CycleThe Cisco IOS Software Release Policy is a structured plan that addresses the Cisco IOS Software life cycle from First Commercial Shipment (FCS) through End of Life (EoL). The Release Policy addresses life cycle guidelines and migration planning for IOS T and IOS S releases, such as Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4 and 12.4T, and Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2SG, as well as Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0S. These acronyms are associated with life cycle milestones:
Refer to Cisco IOS Software Product Life Cycle Dates & Milestones, Product Bulletin No. 2214 for more information. Figure 5 shows Cisco IOS Software life cycle time frames from FCS to EoL. Figure 5—Cisco IOS Software Life Cycle Time Frames—IOS T and IOS S, and Release 12.0S
Software RetirementCisco IOS Software placed on the Cisco IOS Software Center remains available for customer download for eighteen months. After eighteen months, the software is eligible for retirement and removal from the Cisco IOS Software Center. The software retirement policy applies to numbered versions of IOS T and IOS S releases, such as Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(7a), 12.4(8)T1, 12.2(31)SG1), and Cisco IOS Software Release 12.0S. Software on the Cisco IOS Software Center is not retired unless a viable migration path exists. A viable migration path does not cross critical memory boundaries for supported hardware and, if applicable, has a similar internal or external certification. Cisco IOS Software is subject to deferral at any time should a widespread, catastrophic software defect be discovered. Software retirement is not a formal life cycle milestone, but it does underscore the recommendation from Cisco that you implement current versions of Cisco IOS Software. Cisco does not recommend new deployments of retired software. Cisco IOS Software is retired based on age. If the Cisco IOS Software that runs in a customer network is retired, it does not mean the software should be automatically replaced. If the software meets customer needs, then the customer should continue to use it. Cisco supports retired software until it reaches End of Life. Regardless of its status on the IOS Software Center, Cisco recommends that you maintain copies of all Cisco IOS Software in the network. Important Communications about Cisco IOS Software ReleasesCisco issues many software advisories to customers for informational purposes only. Often, software advisories describe problems with Cisco IOS Software that are hardware-specific or occur under unusual circumstances, and therefore do not affect most customers. Often, no action is required by the customer. These critical software release communications from Cisco do require customers to evaluate the impact of the underlying problem on their networks and take appropriate action:
Cisco IOS PackagingCisco IOS Packaging consists of eight packages for Cisco routers and five packages for Cisco switches. (See Figure 6.) Figure 6—Cisco IOS Packaging for Cisco Routers and Switches
Four packages are designed to satisfy requirements in four typical service categories:
Three additional premium packages offer new Cisco IOS Software feature combinations that address more complex network requirements. All features merge in the Advanced Enterprise Services package that integrates support for all routing protocols with Voice, Security, and VPN capabilities. Feature inheritance is another powerful aspect of Cisco IOS Packaging. After a feature is introduced, it is included in the more comprehensive packages. The feature inheritance facilitates migration by clarifying the feature content of the different packages and how they relate to each another. Cisco IOS Packaging also simplifies image naming. Each name is designed to effectively convey the high-level feature content of, and the inheritance characteristics for the new packages. These categories summarize the new naming convention:
These packages are new:
Cisco IOS Packaging was introduced on Cisco access routers in May 2003, Cisco LAN switches in April 2005, and Cisco mid-range routers in July 2005. Refer to the Cisco IOS Packaging page for additional information about Cisco IOS Packaging. Cisco IOS XR PackagingThe IOS XR equivalent of feature sets is called packages. Each package contains many features. Go to the Cisco IOS XR Software Selector (registered customers only) to determine the feature content of each package. Cisco IOS and IOS XR ImagesA Cisco IOS image is a binary executable file of a feature set for specific hardware. A Cisco IOS XR image is a tar or pie file, which contains a package or set of packages, respectively. Multiple images exist for Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS XR releases. The images represent supported hardware and feature set (IOS) or package (IOS XR) combinations. Image NamingThe Cisco IOS software image name represents the hardware, feature set, format, and other information about the image file. Figure 7 shows the image name of a 12.4(6)T Release with the Enterprise Base feature set for the Cisco 3725. Figure 7—Example of a Cisco IOS Image Name
Refer to the Image Naming Conventions section of Loading and Maintaining System Images for information about identifying the platform or board for which the binary software is built, the package feature content of the image, and the area of memory used by the image at run time. Figure 8 shows the image name of an IOS XR Release 3.2.4 with the IP/MPLS Core Software 3DES package for the CRS-1. Figure 8—Example of a Cisco IOS XR Image Name (TAR)
Figure 9 shows the image name of an IOS XR Release 3.2.4 with the Cisco IOS/XR Diagnostics package for the CRS-1. The acronym hfr was an early name for the IOS XR. Figure 9—Example of a Cisco IOS XR Image Name (PIE)
Images That Run on a RouterThe show version command displays the name of the Cisco IOS image (see Figure 10) or a Cisco IOS XR image (see Figure 11) that is running. Figure 10—Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(6)T Output from the show version Command
Tools and ResourcesTable 8 briefly describes some of the most useful Cisco tools for planning a Cisco IOS release migration. Table 8: Tools and Resources
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